
Congratulations! SAA PhD Students Win Awards at the First Aerospace PhD Competition


    Recently, the National Finals of the First Aerospace PhD Competition, guided by the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, organized by the Journal of Aeronautics, and hosted by Northwestern Polytechnical University, were held in Xi’an. Doctoral students Fan Yitong, under the guidance of Professor Li Weipeng, and Deng Hefang, under the guidance of Professor Teng Jinfang from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, participated in the competition. Eventually, Fan Yitong was awarded the title of “Outstanding Contestant,” and Deng Hefang was awarded the title of “Excellent Contestant.”

    The event, which started in 2023, went through preliminary screening and semi-final competitions, and finally concluded successfully in April 2024. The national finals were judged by nine renowned academicians and scholars from various universities such as Beihang University, Air Force Engineering University, National University of Defense Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, and industrial sectors including the Chinese Aircraft Strength Research Institute and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. Fifteen doctoral students from universities across the country competed on the same stage, showcasing the power of youthful scientific research. The atmosphere at the competition was lively, and the presentations by the contestants were outstanding. Among many excellent participants, Fan Yitong and Deng Hefang remained calm and stable, demonstrating the vitality and style of the new generation of scientific research strength in the aerospace field of SJTU.

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